Monday, April 12, 2010

50 Ways To Make Yourself Happy

50 Ways To Make Yourself Happy

I had received comments from readers that they prefer to have a list that teaches them how to be happy instead of being miserable. So I created this article that contains tips to teach you how to be happy.


I believe that happiness is what we are ultimately seeking for in life. We want to be rich because it makes us happy and we want to get a new car because it will make us happy. I believe almost every choice we make in life is tend towards to the amount of happiness that it can provide to us at that moment.
Happiness is what we are seeking for in life and here are some ways you can use to make yourself happy.

50 Ways To Make Yourself Happy

1. Have your passion as your career. If you are passionate in your career, you are mixing play with work which make your job much more enjoyable.
2. Stay healthy.
3. Participate in community events.
4. Stop worrying.
5. Be thankful.
6. Count your blessings.
7. Exercise regularly.
8. Volunteer in charity work.
9. Provide to those in need.
10. Forgive yourself.
11. Set goals.
12. Celebrate others success.
13. Believe in yourself.
14. Take criticism as a feedback which you can use to improve yourself.
15. Forget about things you are not able to change and focus your energy on things that you can change.
16. Keep stress level low.
17. Compliment others.
18. Dance.
19. Sing.
20. Be patient.
21. Read jokes.
22. Focus on others instead of yourself.
23. Have a hobby.
24. Rest well.
25. Meditate.
26. Make someone else happy.
27. Surround yourself with positive friends.
28. Remove friends who are negative from your life.
28. Learn something new.
29. Have a pet.
30. Smile.
31. Forgive others who hurt you.
32. Do not have high demand for others.
33. Have an appropriate demand for yourself.
34. Be near nature.
35. Watch comedies or cartoons.
36. Build up your self esteem.
37. Be yourself. Be a 1st rate of yourself instead of a 2nd rate of others. (I cannot remember who said this quote.)
38. Be honest to yourself and others.
39. Enjoy the present and forget about the unhappy past.
40. Be assertive. Say no if you really want to say no. It will be better if you are polite when doing this. You can learn more about being assertive in this video here.
41. Repeat daily affirmations to empower yourself.
42. Respect others and respect yourself.
43. Have a religious faith.
44. Take lots of photos and keep them in an album. Looking at photos taken during happy time and with old friends help to refresh happy memories in our mind.
45. Take holidays. Visit countries that you had wished to visit.
46. Do something new. Visit a new cafe or your local tourist attractions that you have not visited before.
47. Buy a small present for yourself. Chocolates, flowers or things that you like.
48. Save money. You will be happier if you do not need worry about the lack of money everyday.
49. Compliment others.
50. If all else fails, watch this video now. It cracked me up, maybe it will do the same to you.

Parting Words

I had listed ways to make yourself happy and you can apply them in your life to make yourself happy. If you have any other ideas that can help to make us happy, do share with us in the comment section.
To your happiness,
Personal Development Blogger

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