- 谢清海,一个在投资界享负盛名的传奇人物。获他垂青的股份,往往升价逾倍;他主理的惠理基金,长期跑赢大市兼获奖无数,被喻为「殿堂级基金天王」。
- 近几年谢清海作风十分低调,鲜有公开谈股论市。今次破例接受本刊独家专访,除畅谈百战百胜的拣股秘技、精选心水价值股外,更首次公开復甦市下的投资组合。
- 在游资氾滥及通胀重临下,谢清海预期资產价格会水涨船高,更坦言:「未来六个月股市仍具投资价值。」
- 谈现市况:牛市未到 现处復甦初阶
- 现职惠理集团(00806)主席及投资总监的谢清海,一向奉行「由下而上」(bottom-up)的价值选股原则,过去发掘无数被市场冷落的优质股,并率先买入;及后当市场惊觉「走宝」时,这些股份股价飆升,谢清海已饮了头啖汤。
- 久远的辉煌战绩暂且不提,但单看去年底至今反弹浪中,谢清海亦凭价值选股法,再下一城赢漂亮一仗。
- 「如果有基金今年的表现是跑输大市的,就因为他们减持太多股票、持有太多现金。「我只会买具有价值及估值很平的股份。去年11月左右很多股份跌得低贱,我就由此时开始将资金重投股市,因此造就了我们的基金,今年仍然跑赢大市。」根据交易纪录,去年底谢清海的投资旗舰惠理,在港股最恐慌之时已密密增持股份。
- 旗下基金斩获甚丰其中於去年10月至12月期间,三度增持中海发展(01138),增持价介乎5.417至6.013元,持股量最多达6.17%;至今年2月、3月开始逐步减持获利,3月底持股量低於5%。中海发展股价升势延续至今年6月初高见12.9元,较谢清海的增持价翻逾一番。
- 及至最近,谢清海继续在港股中拣蟀,获垂青的股份包括申洲国际(02313)及北京京客隆(00814)。
- 申洲国际是於5月获谢清海两度增持,平均每股增持价为2.995至3.092元,持股量由4.76%增至6.09%。申洲国际股价5月至今升势依然,本週五(7月10日)高见4.32元,远高於谢清海的扫货价。
- 另一受宠股京客隆,谢清海更於4月底至6月底期间四度增持,持股量由4.98%增至8.2%,平均增持价3.051至4.027元。
- 本週二(7日)京客隆股价高见4.86元,令谢清海旗下基金斩获丰厚。最差时候已成过去正因为谢清海对股份独具惠眼,旗下基金今年表现卓越,其中「Value Partners China Greenchip」及「Value Partners 高息股票基金」,年初至今回报分别为55.91%及44.35%;同期恒生指数只上升23.1%。
- 谢清海重投股市,莫非牛市已经正式来临?他说:「我不认为目前是牛市,但可以定性为復甦市。「由於市场资金太多,而经歷去年全球金融问题后,资金流向都是选择既安全又具有增长的地方,尤其是中国。」
- 谢清海认为目前正处復甦市是有根有据。他指出,内地採购经理指数(PMI)已连续几个月上升,并高企於50以上,反映经济正在扩张。同时,谢清海亦对超过2,000间公司进行研究,发现很多公司的业绩已在上半年见底。
- 不少市场人士解释今年港股由低位大升,是由於通胀预期,令资金流入买资產保值。谢清海亦相信通胀将会重临,但预期只会反映在资產价格之上。「预期流入的资金不会太快流走;即使股市有所调整,但不会大跌,因为最差的时间已经过去。」谢清海认为,现在投资价值股仍然有理想回报,但要在投资组合的资產分配上多下工夫。
- 论下半年:80%资金买股买楼
- 不少市场人士认为,港股由去年低位10,676点,至今累升超过一半,市盈率升至高於平均歷史水平,可说是位高势危。谢清海指出,若以今年预测市盈率看,因今年企业盈利仍然受压,凸显市盈率偏高情况。但他对企业未来盈利復甦较具信心,认为不应单看今年市盈率数据。对於下半年港股展望,谢清海认为资金氾滥下会推高资產价格,相信未来六个月股市仍具有投资价值,但策略上仍然要倾向审慎,更要著重资產分配。「目前全球仍然存有不明朗因素,如将所有资金投放在股市中,万一之后经济有所差池,就会很麻烦。」
- 半成资產买黄金「若持有太多现金,目前利息实在太低,甚至是实际负利率,又是很差的做法。」谢清海接受本刊专访时,披露他对资產组合分配的绝密建议。「我个人会较为审慎,可以将组合中15%作为现金持有;另外5%用来买黄金,因为当全球经济未復甦前,金价会造好。
- 「至於其余80%资產,可用来购买股票及房地產。但拣股上不要太进取,要选择具有防守性的股份,这就是价值股。」谢清海说。
- 谢清海所指的价值股,就是符合他选股原则的股份,包括低市盈率、高股息率、合理股本回报率、管理上具有质素的股份。
- 「目前资金涌入,令内地开始出现经济泡沫。在泡沫形成下,价值股表现往往会跑输大市。因为在泡沫下,投资者喜欢炒卖具有概念的股份;但价值股却没有此炒作概念。」
- 当然,泡沫炒作是短暂,价值增长才是长线。因此在泡沫下,反而是低吸价值股的最佳时机。最近谢清海更将此套已用了16年、在投资中、港股市恆之有效的选股方法,具体化地应用在指数选股中。
- 拣股第一关:睇估值本週三惠理与富时集团合作,推出「富时价值股份中国指数」(简称价值股指数),旨在发掘在港上市而被低估的优质中资股。指数内国企、红筹及民企等共25只成分股,便用上谢清海的价值选股机制。简单而言,通过多重筛选的股份,自然就是谢清海的心水爱股。若要成为价值股指数成分股,必先通过第一关估值测试。考虑估值是否吸引,其中一个方法是选取高股息率的股份。
- 至於何谓高息,谢清海认为没有分界,但起码要较同业平均水平为高。拣股第二关:看股票质素即使顺利通过第一关,还要接受第二关挑战,决定该股是否具有质素,包括要有高股本回报率、高经营利润率及低净资產负债比率。此三项数据,是同时考虑过去三年平均数字。其中股本回报率在不依靠银行借贷下,要高於平均水平;经营利润率要高於,或至少达平均水平;同时,负债比率过大但较低利润率的公司将被剔除,以避开价值投资陷阱。
- 「现在我更看重公司质素,小心从SWOT,即公司的优势(Strength)、劣势(Weakness)、机会(Opportunity)和威胁(Threat)来找寻股份;另亦看重该公司的持续性,不喜欢一些销售及现金流波动的公司。「另外,以前内地是没有品牌的,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)只是西方的品牌。但现在内地市场愈来愈成熟,亦已经发展本土的品牌,我们更要小心其品牌价值。」
- 拣股第三关:逆向投资通过首两关测试后,股份更要符合逆向投资原则。即当大部分分析师普遍看好的股份,反而会被剔除。
- 「我们是奉行逆向投资,当有80%分析员表示要买入某股时,反而是沽售的时候;相反,若有80%分析员投资建议沽售时,就可以考虑买进。至於为何要定80%?因为我们认为此比例已经是足够的。」谢清海说。
- 同时通过上述三关的股份,将按市盈率排序,市盈率最低的25间公司,便成为价值股指数的成分股。此25只股份再按可供投资市值进行加权,以确保指数可投资性,单只股份佔指数成分股比例上限为15%。
- 最新的价值股指数成分股,其中四只是内银股,包括建设银行(00939)、中信银行(00998)、工商银行(01398)及中国银行(03988);另有五只内房股,包括瑞安房地產(00272)、合生创展(00754)、方兴地產(00817)、合景泰富(01813)及雅居乐地產(03383)。
- 虽然成分股出现偏重某些行业情况,但上述股份筛选过程是以价值为先,并非以平衡行业比例为目标。此结果正反映不少内银股及内房股具有价值股元素。事实上,从指数成分股所见,不少股份并非热门当炒股份,亦不一定是行业龙头股。以煤炭股为例,未见龙头中国神华(01088),却有兗州煤业(01171)、中煤能源(01898)及恒鼎实业(01393)。
- 内房股中,不见龙头股中国海外(00688)上榜,反而二、三线内房股,如合生创展及方兴地產却并列成分股,反映此指数是拣股不拣市。正因透过筛选程序确定股份具有价值,令成分股长远表现往往可跑赢大市。以该指数追溯过去三年表现作参考,多数时间跑赢新华富时中国25指数(见上图)。谢清海已公开多年来的拣股心法,接下来就是要知道他对哪个行业、哪个市场具有兴趣,其中三大组合非留意不可。
- 谢清海威水传奇
- 今年55岁的谢清海,初出茅庐时任《亚洲华尔街日报》及《远东经济评论》财经记者;其后转职香港Morgan Grenfell集团,为该公司创立并领导香港股票研究部门,同时进行坐盘交易;至1993年与叶维义共同创办惠理基金,并一直担任投资总监。
- 多年来谢清海在投资界获奖无数,包括今年获《AsianInvestor》杂誌选为亚洲区资產管理行业25位最具影响力人物之一;亦获《FinanceAsia》财经杂誌选为2007年度Capital Markets Person。论及战绩,最为市场津津乐道的,是2001年初B股一役。
- 当时B股市场并未开放予内地人投资,只让外资参与,因此成交稀疏,股份价值被低估,亦乏人问津。谢清海早已洞悉内地市场增长无限,重注投资B股;及至2001年2月中国证监会突然将上海及深圳B股市场停市一星期,之后宣布向境内居民开放B股市场,此举令B股如脱疆野马般大升,谢清海旗下基金亦大有斩获。因为战绩彪炳,惠理管理资產水涨船高,其母公司惠理集团更在2007年11月在港上市。
- 组合一:两大理由看好中、港地產股
- 谢清海在访问中以个人身分提议投资者,将80%资產投放在地產及股票上。他看好这两类资產不外乎两个原因,而一切还是从美国滥「印银纸」开始说起。谢清海以投资中小型工业股打响名堂,但他掌握地產市场的脉搏也见功力。正当2003年人人因「沙士」惶惶不可终日之时,他却大手购入长江实业(00001)、恒隆地產(00101)及信和置业(00083)股份,成功捞底。
- 如今谢清海再次发出看好中、港地產股的言论。「我对中、港地產股及香港地產价格异常乐观,因为这些都是有升值潜力的资產。」现时正值人人认为股市、楼市位高势危,他却表明看好香港地產股及地產价格,记者不得不再三追问背后玄机。理由一:美国印钞资金涌向中国在谢清海眼中,看好楼市离不开两个理由。「实在有太多资金在中、港股市流动,这是全球各国政府实行实质负利率及宽鬆货币政策下的现象。
- 「虽然美国狂『印银纸』,但美国经济前景恶劣,资金不会留在当地投资;相反,市场只会投资在经济前景良好的地区,中国正好符合这个条件。」
- 正当世界银行将全球经济增长预测调低至负2.9%之际,中国距离全年「保八」目标却愈来愈近。理由二:联匯所限 造成资產通胀在资金流向中国的背景下,谢清海意识到受资產通胀概念带动,香港资產价格是无得跌。「通胀将会来到,带动资產价格上升。
- 「这个问题在香港尤为严重,因为香港实行联繫匯率,港、美之间匯率不能调节下,唯有在资產价格上反映资金流入的影响。这个现象我会称之为资產通胀(Asset Inflation)。」
- 资金流入应会推高匯价。然而,在联匯强方兑换保证制度下,港元匯价不能升穿7.75上限水平。至於香港楼价,谢清海认为并非疯狂。「当你比较市民收入和楼价时,实际上亦算是合理,绝非疯狂。」香港现时供楼负担比率仅27.7%,相对1997年的93.2%已大为合理。谢清海没有明言对内地地產市场的看法,但惠理基金副投资总监苏俊淇认为,内地楼市目前尚算健康。既然有两大理由支持入市,谢清海领导下的惠理基金亦已率先购入地產股及相关股份。
- 香港地產相关股份中,惠理持有资本策略(00497),但在4月14日减持,目前仍持有近7%股权。
- 惠理在去年12月捞底买合富辉煌(00733)。当楼市升温,成交自然上升,合富辉煌作为广州地產代理自然受惠。惠理基金在5月8日披露,以每股1.889元减持合富辉煌,持股量由14.06%减持至13.97%。无论如何,惠理基金在此股回报可观,因为惠理去年底三度在0.5至0.6元水平增持。
- 根据蛛丝马跡,普罗投资者一样可以按谢清海的价值投资原则拣股。毫无疑问,今时今日各类股份投资值博率已大不如今年3月份低位。但应用谢清海拣股原则,仍有个别地產股存在相当投资价值。例如北辰实业(00588)及上海復地(02337)亦符合谢清海的拣股原则,但现价09年度预测市盈率低见10及11.4 倍;边际经营利润达49.1%及32.5%, 虽然不是最高,但仍属中游水平。
- 组合二:专吼隐世内需股
- 内需股一直是投资市场焦点之一,谢清海作为惠理基金掌舵人自然不会放过。过去16年谢清海奉行「人弃我取」之道,根据惠理持股纪录,常见「唔冷门唔买」痕跡。正如今年惠理基金购入少为投资者注意的京客隆,便是这热门板块中的冷门股。
- 谢清海倾向买入冷门的内需股亦不难理解。盖内需股作为全球焦点,估值已被炒到天价。在金融海啸下,估值仍然相对偏高。如此情况,惠理不买冷门内需股,就难以将价值投资法引用在内需股板块上。
- 话说回来,惠理基金在4月30日吸纳京客隆。据事后曝光,惠理当日增持了46.8万股京客隆H股(国企股),平均买入价为3.051元;之后再度增持,愈买愈升。现时惠理持有京客隆达8.2%。及至本週五(10日),京客隆股价收报4.7元,较惠理基金持股曝光时的平均买入价累升达54%。
- 揭买京客隆之谜既然能够亲身接触谢清海,记者单刀直入,希望他亲自揭开购入京客隆的理由。「和其他基金一样,惠理基金对内地内需非常看好,但我们不喜欢买别人也会一齐抢购的股份,例如物美商业(08277)。
- 「我们尝试买些有别於投资市场喜好的股份。惠理基金其中一位基金经理提议拣选京客隆,因为从市盈率、股息率等范畴看,均远较知名股份吸引。」事实上,内地知名超市股估值殊不便宜。如华润创业(00291)、联华超市(00980)及物美09年度预测市盈率高达介乎17.8至24.2倍之间。
- 相对而言,京客隆估值低见10倍预测市盈率,正好符合谢清海价值拣股原则。时代零售符合条件股息率方面,京客隆更称王称霸,预测股息率高达4.8厘;反观其余知名超市股股息率则在2厘之下,估计已脱离谢清海的侦察范围。
- 其实,谢清海不止买廉价股份,更会考虑该公司经营生意的质素。京客隆虽然只是北京其中一个超市网络商,但边际利润达4.2%,绝对不逊色於其他全国性超市股。
- 从另一角度看,虽然京客隆边际利润不及物美,但物美现时估值高达24.2倍市盈率,投资者即使有兴趣,也变得审慎。若按如此思路分析,时代零售(01832)或同样符合谢清海的拣股条件。盖时代零售是硕果仅存、市盈率低见约10倍左右的超市股。股息率方面,时代零售也见不俗,现价预测股息率达 3.3厘,仅次於京客隆。至於时代零售生意质素亦佳,边际利润达4.9%,排名第三,整体质素绝不逊於京客隆。
- 非常看好台股前景
- 在谢清海眼中,价值投资之道正是人弃我取。正如当年投资市场对内地B股市场避之则吉,他敢於逆水行舟,最后赢了漂亮一仗。此时此刻,投资者对台股了无兴趣,谢清海却笑言:「非常看好。台股自1990年代泡沫爆破后,至今都未收復失地,令很多投资者对台湾失去兴趣。」
- 当时台湾加权指数在1990年2月创下12,424点歷史新高,即使在2008年马英九当选总统后带动投资气氛改善,至今仍未能收復失地。「纵使两岸关係有所突破,投资市场仍没有足够人看好台湾。正因为投资市场仍未意识到台湾有多么吸引,故此我们绝对看好台湾。」在谢清海眼中,台股蓄势待发。「我们认为两岸关係持续改善,会有很多优惠惠及台湾,故此我们对台股非常看好。」既然如此,惠理基金亦坐言起行在2008年3月推出「惠理台湾基金」。截至今年6月底止,该基金管理资產为2.6亿元,年初至今升幅为24.9%,最看好仍是非日用消费品股份,佔基金资產的24%;至於台股的主力部队科技股,则佔该基金资產值22%。
- 组合三:供应不足 商品股大利
- 谢清海眼中,通胀是股市回升动力之一;同时亦会利好地產、商品及资源股。然而,他看中商品还有一个原因,就是供应不足。谢清海接受本刊专访时说:「实际上,我个人一定看好商品,因为仍有潜在供应不足情况。我曾经参观澳洲的矿山,矿场其实不容易把矿石从地面掘出来。」
- 这个生动例子说明地下天然资源受技术所限,不能因应经济情况加快开採。这种情况不止在澳洲矿山出现,甚至煤矿及油井也会面对如此情况。正如内地资源股龙头中国石油天然气(00857)及神华,每年开採石油与煤炭升幅不足5%及20%。
- 谢清海没有明言供应不足和商品走势向好的关係,但细心一想,经济回暖必定刺激商品需求,令供应不足加剧,商品价格必升无疑,商品股股价也会一骑绝尘。一再强调通胀威胁供应不足的例子俯拾皆是。以石油为例,需求较两年前经济高峰期有所放缓,但不代表之前出现的供应不足不药而癒。当经济重拾升轨时,石油需求就会重燃增长。不幸的是,经济衰退期间石油生產商往往没有加大石油矿井投资的力度,结果当经济復甦时,供应不足情况总会歷史重演。
- 石油只是其中一个例子,相信就是谢清海看好整个商品资產板块的背后原因。经济永远不会一潭死水,当经济復甦时,亦会刺激商品需求。谢清海估计,今年内地经济增长达8%;明年增长会更高。若看法兑现,商品供应不足随时出现。
- 谢清海在整个访问中不断强调资產通胀的威胁。「市民会买入实物资產。」他没有明言通胀下的商品价格走势,但除了房地產外,如石油、黄金等实物资產价格亦会造好。
- 惠理旗下「Value Partners China Greenchip」、「Value Partners高息股票基金」及「惠理价值基金」三大持股中,均见石油股中国海洋石油(00883)踪影,是谢清海看好商品的佐证。
- 「5%资產押注黄金」
- 「基金天王」谢清海在股票市场运筹帷幄、决胜千里。然而,他个人认为在现时大上大落的市况,别将所有鸡蛋放在同一篮子,故建议投资者:「将5%资產投资黄金,因为世界仍然不确定。如有任何出错,黄金将会体现其价值。」一言以蔽之,买黄金就是买一项保障。不过,买实金要考虑储存问题。SPDR金 ETF(02840)2008年登陆本港后,解决了上述难题。因为每一单位黄金ETF代表十分之一盎斯黄金,全部储存在?丰银行位於伦敦的金库。再者,SPDR金ETF在港交所买卖,令买卖黄金变成买股票般容易,儼然为港人提供投资黄金的新渠道,令谢清海将5%资產放在黄金上的建议较以往更易执行。当然,窝轮市场中亦有黄金相关的產品。不过,黄金窝轮加入槓桿及其他外在元素,似乎偏离了谢清海建议投资黄金以对冲风险的原意。
- 明年展望:中国泡沫有好有坏
- 对於下半年股市展望,谢清海认为整体走势仍是波动,但仍不失为具有投资价值;若展望明年表现,他又有何见解?「我个人意见是内地已经开始形成泡沫。股价表现是反映投资者对未来的希望与恐惧,因为目前投资者预期未来经济会比现在好,因此股市表现领先基本因素。」谢清海说。谢清海所指的泡沫,是因为外国央行不断「印银纸」,令市场资金氾滥。而此等热钱又不断流入中国,包括内地股市及楼市,令相关资產价格上升。若情况持续,将令资產价格高企,脱离基本因素,出现资產泡沫。
- 至於最先出现的泡沫,谢清海预期将会在地產股出现,因为不少内房股今年股价已倍升。究竟这泡沫会否在明年爆破?谢清海进一步解释:「何时爆破就难以预期。根据过去经验,泡沫可以延伸很长时间,日本就是最好例子。
- 「你问我明年股市走势如何,目前仍未知道。因为现今社会跟以往已经不同,经济週期愈来愈短,週期转动又快又波动。我的分析亦要因时制宜,可以很快就改变。」
- 市场一般对泡沫的看法是负面。因为泡沫爆破后一切化为乌有,如1997年香港楼市泡沫、2000年科技泡沫后,不少人身家大缩水,甚至惨变负资產。谢清海则认为泡沫是中性的,有好又有坏。
- 投资内地 内陆胜沿海「泡沫形成初期是很开心的。因为资產价格升值,股市及楼市大升產生不少财富。「最麻烦是泡沫挥之不去,甚至爆破,届时造成负面影响,拖累经济。但相信中央亦会出手,避免泡沫爆破引来的恶果。」
- 亦正因为泡沫初期会推高资產价格,所以地產股在泡沫未爆破前,仍可看高一线。虽然谢清海认为内地存有泡沫,但整体而言亦是看好内地市场发展,尤其是内陆地区的投资机会。
- 「一些沿海地区以出口为主,最受环球市道影响;反而一些位於内陆的城市,如湖南及四川,可能靠本地消费及固定资產投资,已经有好好的增长,因此资金已转往内陆地区投资。」谢清海解释。
- 事实上,目前内陆投资增长较沿海大城市更快。以今年首五个月各地区城镇投资情况为例,湖南、四川及黑龙江的城镇投资,按年升幅分别为37.5%、55.2%及50.8%;相反,上海、福建及广东按年投资金额,只按年上升5.2%、14.7%及14.1%。
- 一旦内地经济泡沫爆破,经济上已与内地唇齿相依的香港,又会有何震盪?谢清海相信打击有限。「香港已经是一个很成熟的市场,而且港人亦经歷过很多次泡沫爆破经验,变得更为小心。」
- 总结:泡沫爆破前享受股市升势
- 谢清海谦称对整体大市分析不是专家,没有对今年恒指定下目标价,只预期即使下半年市况波动,但仍然具有投资价值。
- 谢清海更认为在资金涌入、通胀重临,甚至是在形成泡沫之初,正是投资股市及楼市大好机会,因为资產价格会很快地上升。
- 但在环球经济尚未完全明朗化下,谢清海仍不忘告诫股民拣股不宜太进取,而是应该拣选具防守性的价值股。他始终深信,只有价值股才可给予长线投资回报。
China and Japan are having a small but potentially painful dispute over the ownership of a small chain of islands in the East China Sea.
These islands have very little significance other than the oil deposits that may lie around them. Whoever owns these islands would have claims to the mineral deposits on the ocean floors surrounding the islands.
Tensions heated up when a Japanese coast guard boat collided with a Chinese fishing vessel on September 7. Japanese authorities detained the Chinese captain and tough talk flowed from both sides.
The culmination was the temporary halt of exportation of rare earth metals from China to Japan.
Rare earth? No, I’m not talking about the 1970′s rock group nor am I talking about uranium or plutonium. I’m talking about a group of minerals that contain elements quite rare when discovered in Sweden in 1787.
Maybe you’ve never heard of rare earth metals, but you use them every day of your life. They’re used in things like cell phones, semiconductors, lasers, fiber-optic cable, plasma TVs, hybrid cars, microwave ovens, and scud missiles.
They — and just about anything electronic — contain some of the most obscure chemical elements on the planet known as rare earth metals.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has identified 17 elements that are considered rare earth metals, but nobody paid much attention to them until recent years because of the development of new technologies and electronic devices.
Most of the world’s advanced defense, medical, and high-tech electronics simply won’t work without rare earth metals. These metals have very special physical and chemical attributes, including high degrees of magnetism, luminosity, superconductivity and environmental non-toxicity.
These obscure metals are so critical to our modern world that they are as strategically important as oil, copper, uranium, natural gas, and coal. And I believe that an investment in rare earth metals will be even more lucrative.
And what’s this got to do with Asia? Tons! Keep reading and you’ll understand exactly what I mean and why an investment in rare earth metals could be the best natural resources investment you can make.
Reason #1: Booming Demand. Ten years ago, the world used 40,000 metric tons of rare earth metals a year. Today, the world uses 125,000 tons, but is expected to grow to over 200,000 tons by about 2014.
The reason for the soaring demand is simple: The world is building and consuming more high-tech devices. Plus, new demand from green energy initiatives is gobbling up all the rare earth metals that the world can produce.
The consensus of the forecasts I’ve read predict a 40,000-ton shortage by 2015.
The U.S. Magnetic Materials Association said, “It is estimated that Chinese domestic consumption of rare earth materials will outpace Chinese domestic supply between 2012 to 2015. It is unclear whether rare earth material will be available outside China in the coming years.”
Here is a link to a 2-minute Reuters news video about the demand for rare earth metals that I highly recommend you watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2CpFYCqZz8
No question, the world is headed for a supply/demand imbalance and that will push the price of rare earth metals higher. Much, much higher.Reason #2: Global Supply Controlled by China. Until 1948, most of the world’s rare earth metals were sourced from placer sand deposits in India and Brazil when South Africa became the largest producer. India and South African still produce rare earth metals today, but China has zoomed past everybody since the 1980′s.
This number is almost hard to believe, but it is absolutely true: China produces and controls 95% of the world’s production of rare earth minerals. Yup, 95%!
The problem is that China currently uses about two-thirds of what it produces, but is on a consumption trajectory where it will use everything it produces in a few more years. When that happens, the U.S. and the rest of the world will be S.O.L.!
In September of last year, China announced plans to lower its export quota of rare earth metals to 35,000 tons per year in 2010-2015.
Wait, it gets worse. China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is considering a total ban on exports of terbium, dysprosium, yttrium, thulium, and lutetium.
It’s part of a plan that Deng Xiaoping started almost two decades ago when he said that rare earth metals would “Do for China what oil did for Saudi Arabia.”
Reason #3: A Matter of National Security. Every piece — and I mean EVERY piece — of high-tech military warfare is made with rare earth metals, including precision-guided munitions, night vision goggles, radar, and lasers.
If we lost our supplies of rare earth metals, our country’s ability to produce many of these weapon systems would cease to exist. Since China controls 95% of the world’s supply of rare earth metals, we are extremely vulnerable.
The General Accounting Office said that the U.S. produced zero rare earth elements in 2009 and that it will take up to 15 years to rebuild our own domestic rare earth supply chain.
“The United States has the expertise, but lacks the manufacturing assets and facilities to refine oxides to metals. Refined metal is almost exclusively available from China,” states the GAO.
The U.S. Magnetic Materials Association said that the United States is already in a “silent crisis.” And that “it is unclear whether rare earth material will be available outside China in the coming years.”
In June of 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 2647, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Section 828 of the Act included language concerning “the availability of rare earth materials and components containing rare earth materials in the defense supply chain.”
Section 828 noted that “less common metals” such as the rare earths and thorium were “critical to modern technologies, including numerous defense critical technologies and these technologies cannot be built without the use of these metals and materials produced from them and therefore could qualify as strategic materials, critical to national security.”
Representative Ike Skelton, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said “China is a rapidly rising military and economic power and the fact is that they cornered the market on these rare earth metals that are essential for a lot of our advanced weapons systems as well as a lot of manufacturing in the United States.”
Representative Mike Coffman said, “We need to move aggressively on this issue now before it’s too late.”
Between now and the 15 years that it will take to rebuild our own rare earth metal supply chain, you can bet that our Military Industrial Complex is going to be a big buyer and a big stockpile of rare earth metals, the price of which is certain to go much higher.
Reason #4: Green Energy and Rare Earth Metals. Rare earth metals are also a back door way to profit from the “green” revolution. That is because most of the green energy initiatives cannot function with rare earth metals. Three green technologies — hybrid cars, solar panels, and wind turbines — use mountains of rare earth metals.
▪ Hybrid vehicles, like the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight, are big users of rare earth metals. Each car has about 2 kg of neodymium in it rechargeable nickel hydride battery and another kilogram or so of lanthanum and praseodymium in the drive train.
▪ Solar panel efficiency is measured as a percentage of light energy that is converted to electricity. Silicon solar panels are 25% efficient, but the newest generation of solar panels called multi-junction solar panels have efficiencies greater than 40%. These solar panels use the rare metal indium.
▪ Every wind turbine tower has a massive, highly engineered electromechanical system in it that couldn’t operate without lanthanides.
Here is a link to a very informative video about the role that rare earth elements play in green energy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxZLKiQd0yk
The Green Energy revolution is still in its infancy and its inevitable growth will place huge demand for rare earth metals and send the prices through the roof!Reason #5: Brain Drain to China. Getting the raw materials out of the ground is just the first step. The next and equally important step is to refine that dirt into ready-to-use form. Not only does China have the raw resources, they also have most of the production capacity: Metal production, alloying, strip casting, magnetic powder production and, ultimately, magnet production.
The rest of the world is scrambling to open up new rare earth mines, but it will take decades to build the refining capacity. The biggest obstacle, however, is that most of the experience and knowledge is in China and can’t be easily duplicated.
For example, the division of General Motors which deals with miniaturized magnet research shut down its U.S. office and moved its entire staff to China in 2006.
Reason #6: Not in My Backyard. The U.S. may talk about building its own rare earth supply chain, the reality is that mining and processing the finished materials is a dirty, polluting process and the environmental crowd in the U.S. will fight any efforts to build on American soil.
Here is a link to a CNN report on the environmental costs of rare earth metals mining.
Look at the obstacles oil companies have had to get permission to opening new drilling fields or refineries. Nobody wants them in their backyard and rare earth metal refining is even worse. I can’t see any meaningful production capacity opened anywhere but third world countries that are willing to accept the pollution cost.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO94WHkqHg4
How can you invest in rare earth metals?
China Rare Earth Holdings produces about 20% of the world’s supply of rare earth metals which makes it the Saudi Arabia of rare earth metals. China Rare Earth Holdings trades both on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (0769.HK) and the U.S. over-the-counter market (CREQF.PK).
Avalon Rare Metals owns a large but untapped mine in Canada. It trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (AVL) and the U.S. over-the-counter market (AVARF.PK).
Lynas Corporation has one of the richest deposits of rare earth metals in the world. It trades on the Australian stock exchange (LYC.AX) as well as the U.S. over-the-counter market (LYSCF.PK).
Molycorp (MCP) went public earlier this year on the NYSE. It owns the Mountain Pass mine in Southern California, the largest rare earth metals deposit outside of China.
I should to disclose that my Asia Stock Alert subscribers already own China Rare Earth Holdings and we are sitting on a huge open gain. Even though we have a big gain, I am holding on for even more profits.
You need to do your own homework and decide if any of these rare earth stocks are appropriate for your situation. These are very volatile stocks, so stay away if you don’t have a high tolerance for risk. The reward, however, should be big, big, big.
Best wishes,
– Tony Sagami
Source: Uncommon Wisdom